Work, Work, Work!

It is the time of year when everyone starts thinking about beaches and the mountains and all the other vacation spots that help them relax. Everyone but photographers that is. We on the other hand are hard at work all through the warmer weather.

Wedding photographers have weddings from April through October; architectural photographers rarely shoot when there are no leaves on the trees; everyone is willing to finally get that portrait done now that they have their bathing suit body back (OK maybe not everyone).

We have to shoot when the shooting is good and that means that we rarely get to take vacations in the summer. Then again for us, well at least for me, shooting is a vacation! Any time I have the camera up to my eye it is a good time. Nothing relaxes me more than the opportunity to capture a beautiful shot. It doesn’t matter if I am shooting buildings or people, photography is what I live to do.

For me even meeting someone to just talk about their ideas and getting that perfect image is all “photography,” that’s almost as much fun as getting the shot itself. Just yesterday I had meetings with clients all day! 11am was in the Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia; 2pm was in South Philly, 4pm back to Mt. Airy and then at 6pm more business to discuss over a wonderful dinner in Chestnut Hill. It never ends! Quite honestly, I like it that way. When I am creating images like these below, can you blame me!?


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